Normal Lip:
Standard lip for TiNYKLASH. Create endless actions depending on the combination with the tail.
Wide Lip:
The Wide Lip brings the Tiny Klash to more depth and significantly increases the pressure underwater. If you insert the Wide Lip upside down, you can convert the Tiny Klash into a wake-bait and fish it as a top-water bait.
Short lip:
Thanks to the short lip, the Tiny Klash runs a little flatter than with the standard lip. The movements are a little less pronounced and very natural, unbeatable in shallow waters over weed fields.
The YTMK Lip reduces the lateral movement in the joint and increases the rolling of the bait along the longitudinal axis, sometimes it is exactly this movement that makes the difference. If you insert the YTMK Lip the wrong way around, the lateral deflection of the bait increases and it goes a little deeper again.
Higher pitch with less air and winding resistance than wide lip. Even
at depths of several tens of centimeters, you can appeal with a quick
pitch and attack without wasting any effort even in close-range battles.
If cast far, it will reach about 3m. When used in modeB, a chili action
is also produced and jerking is also possible. Dead walk also responds
DTK Lip:
2 pieces per packet.
Please see video below: